Kamis, 11 Juni 2009


Hotel Indra Puri is the only hotel on the highest point in the centre of Bandar Lampung with panoramic view of Lampung Bay.
Hotel Indra Puri a three well deserved stars hotel with 64 luxuriously furnished and carpeted rooms offer a most comfortable atmosphere, centralized air conditioned rooms on four typical modern building with executive suites all equipped to the International standards.
On the previus trip to Lampung, there were very few hotels one could describe as luxury business hotel.

But now there's the superb Hotel Indra Puri !
Beautiful situated above the town of Bandar Lampung, the hotel commands stunning views of Krakatoa and the strait of Sunda.

1 komentar:

  1. mlm...apa di indra puri ada trevel or guide utk k lampung selatan krn sya ada rencana mo k lampung selatan n tarif na brp y jika mmang ada ! mohon d confirm segera krn tgl 24juni sya brangkat
